How To Draw A Peacock. The peafowl, also known as the peafowl, is a medium-sized bird that inhabits tropical rainforests in warm climates. They are particularly known for their distinctively colored tail feathers, which spread out in a beautiful fan that spans the bird’s back and touches the ground from side to side. The extreme popularity and exceptional beauty of peacocks have made it a much sought-after drawing tutorial. Draw a peacock in 9 easy steps
So there you have it; we’ve created a step-by-step tutorial on how to draw a peacock, summarized in 9 quick and easy steps. An illustration accompanies each instruction to make the steps easier to follow. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead, grab your pen and paper! Content of this blog post. blueberry drawing, coconut drawing and many more cool drawings. You can draw many more characters like easy cartoon drawing, Anubis drawing, cat drawing, cobra drawing, blueberry drawing, coconut drawing and many more drawing for kids.
Step 1:
Start by drawing a perfect circle slightly above the middle of your paper. Then draw a diagonal W-shaped line to create a smooth texture on the top of the head. Remember to draw with light strokes when creating rough outlines and sketches. This ensures that you can easily eliminate any schematic lines you no longer need. It also helps keep your drawing polished and neat.
Step 2:
Draw an elongated shape below the head with a narrow top and a wider bottom to create the body. When drawn correctly, the body’s shape should closely resemble a vase.
Step 3:
Draw thin paws side by side under the body of the peacock. Remember to add a tri-claw foot to the bottom of each leg. Try to make the peacock’s legs and feet identical as much as possible.
Step 4:
Circle a curved line on either side of the peacock’s body. The curved line should follow the contour of the peacock’s body, creating the appearance of a perfectly still pair of wings on the sides of its body.
Step 5:
Now it’s time to draw the peacock’s most distinctive physical features: the feathers on its back! It looks especially good when separated, so that’s exactly what we’ll draw in this step. Continue with an elongated shape with a round bottom to create the first feather attached to the back of the peacock. Then repeat the same steps until there are five feathers side by side. This forms the first half of the peacock’s fan feather set.
Step 6:
Draw five more feathers on the other side. Please note that all feathers should be the same width and length. After completing this step, ten feathers should be on the peacock’s back.
Step 7:
The pattern can be created by drawing a narrow teardrop shape upside down. Then draw a smaller shape similar to the one we just drew. Then draw a semicircle inside the shape. That’s all! The patterns may look complex, but drawing them is that simple! Draw two designs on each feather: a large one at the top and a smaller one at the bottom. Note that only the top design will be visible on the middle feathers, as shown in the illustration.
Step 8:
Repeat the previous step and continue drawing the same pattern on each feather. In this step, you must finish drawing the patterns on the ten peacock feathers.
Step 9:
To complete your drawing, draw the eyes and beak of the peacock. To outline the eyes, continue by drawing two standing oval shapes inside the peacock’s face. Then draw two small circles inside each eye. Now shade all the eyes except the small circles inside. It adds drama and makes the eyes sparkle! To create the beak, draw a shape with one pointed edge on the right side and two on the left. Remember to add an outline inside the beak to refine the shape and create the look of a tongue! There you go, you have successfully drawn a beautiful peacock! Now it is